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Tim Tebow continuing to show his Christian faith

by Ryan Ebert

Jets quarterback Tim Tebow hed an Easter service down in Austin, Texas where 15,000 people were listening on his every word. Tebow didn't sermonize as some people expected, but had a twenty minute question-and-answer session with Celebration Church pastor Joe Champion.

Tebow was asked about his football career and his new challenge in New York. Unsurprisingly the conversation was centered on his faith.

"I really don't think I was the first athlete to get on a knee and pray and it's funny because I've actually had the same routine for the last seven years and just this year they started calling it Tebowing," Tebow said. "I do think it's pretty cool because at least prayer is being talked about. My biggest prayer is for a high school kid to get on a knee and pray and it's not something that's unique or different."

His last comment drew a round of applause from the crowd, and plenty of #15 jerseys too.

He showed his self-awareness when talking about a game on October 30 in which Lions linebacker Stephen Tulloch mocked him after a sack.

"I remember one of the first games, we're playing the Lions and I get sacked and the guy gets on a knee and is Tebowing on top of me, and I'm thinking, 'That's really supposed to be mocking me but it's actually flattering because you're praying.' That's a good thing," he said. "I don't know if that's a cut down; I'm not sure how to take it. Are you praying for me while you're on top of me or what?"

Tebow cited other high-profile players that are proud and expressive of their Christian faith in Knicks guard Jeremy Lin and Angels first baseman Albert Pujols. Though it does happen that these talks will reach those that don't care about Tebow and his Christian faith, yet the quarterback believes that talking about it is all that counts.

"Sometimes I'll think it's funny, but for the most part it's being talked about, and when it's being talked about it's being contemplated by people and they're thinking about it," he said. "And that's exciting, that's exciting to me. Young kids are talking about it, and they're doing skits about it on "Saturday Night Live."

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