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Dawkins says a few words on Owens

by Ryan Ebert

Recently retired Brian Dawkins spoke a few words about former teammate Terrell Owens' problems with being cut from The Allen Wranglers of the Indoor Football League. Owens was cut after not willing to play in two road games and not showing up at a charity event, and Owens is considering suing the team. Dawkins said that Owens has done too much to be given a break, and this:

"On the football field, he's one of the hardest working cats, seriously," Dawkins said on's "Cover Two" podcast. "It's some of the antics early on, some of the way he treated people. Wisdom is you don't want to burn bridges along the way. When you burn those bridges with that guy, he talks to that guy who talks to that guy. That builds a web."

While he may have a Hall of Fame career, coaches don't want to put up with what they've heard from coaches that have dealt with Owens.

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